Global NMI is so thankful for your faithful support of the Church of the Nazarene, Nazarene Missions, and Nazarene Missions International (NMI) through your subscription to the Prayer Mobilization Line (PML). When PML first began 40 years ago, information was shared through a recorded telephone message. The name Prayer Mobilization Line reflects that individuals would call a telephone line in the United States to get information.

The name will change from Prayer Mobilization Line to NMI Central to reflect the broader scope of information that PML has shared over the years and to include new information and involvement for the reader.
NMI Central begins this week. If you subscribe to the Prayer Mobilization Line (PML) it will come to your inbox on Wednesday and will be written and formatted to be more easily read on smartphones. Also, be sure to follow our Facebook page. We will be sharing some of the NMI Central information there.