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Monthly Emphasis
There are many facets to our mission as we fulfill the purpose of NMI. The NMI Calendar of Emphasis serves as a framework around which to build the plans for the year's activities. Of course, the calendar is flexible so you may adjust it to suit your church's needs.
We try to provide fun and interactive ways to promote the Monthly Emphasis in your local church, but they are only suggestions.
You know your congregation best and what will work best in your church. Feel free to adjust the promotional ideas listed or create one your own.
If you have a promotional idea that worked well for your church, and you feel it could help other local NMI Presidents promote that emphasis in their local church, please send the details to JIll Whitt at​​​​. We would love to compile a list of great promotional ideas in order to assist those looking for new ways to promote the monthly emphasis.
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